Creating a high quality synthetic dataset with open models and a $10 budget
Large language models (LLMs) are awesome. Yet sometime they still struggle to grasp the subtleties of human communication, particularly when it comes to the nuanced understanding of day to day communication. Effective understanding requires a lot of skills. One such skill is the ability to distinguish statements which present observations (noticing) from statements which contain evaluations (judgments).
This skill is an integral part of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), a form of communication aimed at building authentic understanding between people. I believe the technique and associated literature are a treasure trove of insights for building empathy through language.
In this post we will dive into how I used one exercise from a NVC book and $7 in credits to generate, filter and refine a high quality text comprehension dataset of 1500 samples.
The final dataset is available on Hugging Face. This blog post is also availabe in jupyter notebook format on Github.
Understanding human communication: Observations vs Evaluations
In his seminal book Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, NVC creator Marshall Rosenberg makes the case that the ability to distinguish between evaluations and observations is crucial for effective nonviolent communication. In his book, Rosenberg includes an exercise prompting readers to distinguish between both types of statements. Notice the use of the prompting here, that will be relevant later.
Exercise 1
To determine your proficiency at discerning between observations and evaluations, complete the following exercise. Circle the number in front of each statement that is an observation only, with no evaluation mixed in.
- “John was angry with me yesterday for no reason.”
- “Yesterday evening Nancy bit her fingernails while watching television.”
- “Sam didn’t ask for my opinion during the meeting.”
- “My father is a good man.”
- “Janice works too much.”
- “Henry is aggressive.”
- “Pam was first in line every day this week.”
- “My son often doesn’t brush his teeth.”
- “Luke told me I didn’t look good in yellow.”
- “My aunt complains when I talk with her.”
Here are my responses for Exercise 1:
- If you circled this number, we’re not in agreement. I consider “for no reason” to be an evaluation. Furthermore, I consider it an evaluation to infer that John was angry. He might have been feeling hurt, scared, sad, or something else. Examples of observations without evaluation might be: “John told me he was angry,” or “John pounded his fist on the table.”
- If you circled this number, we’re in agreement that an observation was expressed without being mixed together with an evaluation.
- If you circled this number, we’re in agreement that an observation was expressed without being mixed together with an evaluation.
- If you circled this number, we’re not in agreement. I consider “good man” to be an evaluation. An observation without evaluation might be: “For the last twenty-five years, my father has given one-tenth of his salary to charity.”
- If you circled this number, we’re not in agreement. I consider “too much” to be an evaluation. An observation without evaluation might be: “Janice spent more than sixty hours at the office this week.”
- If you circled this number, we’re not in agreement. I consider “aggressive” to be an evaluation. An observation without evaluation might be: “Henry hit his sister when she switched the television channel.”
- If you circled this number, we’re in agreement that an observation was expressed without being mixed together with an evaluation.
- If you circled this number, we’re not in agreement. I consider “often” to be an evaluation. An observation without evaluation might be: “Twice this week my son didn’t brush his teeth before going to bed.”
- If you circled this number, we’re in agreement that an observation was expressed without being mixed together with an evaluation.
- If you circled this number, we’re not in agreement. I consider “complains” to be an evaluation. An observation without evaluation might be: “My aunt called me three times this week, and each time talked about people who treated her in ways she didn’t like.”
If you are like me, reading this you will immedialty notice the exercise looks a whole lot like a natural language processing task.
Testing large language models NVC abilities
Reading Rosenberg’s book, I got curious about current large language models abilities to complete this exercise. How well can current AI systems, trained on vast datasets of human language, grasp the often nuanced distinction between factual observations and subjective evaluations? This demands the ability to delve deeper than surface interpretations, drawing inferences from context to identify implicit messages and understand the speaker’s subjective perspective.
Arguably, current models can already do this to some extent, but we would like to test this quantitatively. To do so we need a dataset to evaluate models against. As it stands, Rosenberg’s book cannot bring us all the way there as it contains only 10 labeled statements (not to mention it is most likely part of the training set of a lot of models).
Getting around data scarcity
Thankfully in 2024 we have access to a range of open-weight models from big and powerful to small and efficient. We can leverage that full array of generation capabilities to synthetically create a benchmark dataset for our task.
We will use a larger model, assuming it will perform better initially, to generate evaluation prompts for smaller models.
While the generated data might not be 100% accurate, this isn’t critical when aiming to assess relative performance. While our dataset might not be all that usefull in evaluating large models capabilities, it will still be useful to evaluate small models which make up a decent portion of the market. See, even if a smaller model benefits from occasional matches with incorrect labels in the test set, its overall lower accuracy compared to the larger model would still be evident.
This approach might seem less than ideal but it scales well as we can generate new better test sets as better models are released over time. Improving the generation prompts could also lead to a baseline improvement without changing models. So even though it might be imperfect, this dataset will provide a solid foundation for future iterations.
To generate this first version of our dataset we will leverage a few low hanging fruits, mostly prompting techniques.
Creating a good prompt
First we use few-shot prompting, so we present the model with a few classification examples before the statement we want to classify.
Second, using a simple prompt we can ask ChatGPT to augment the classification with a rationale. This is similar to chain-of-thought prompting, the intuition is it will help with accuracy by allowing the model to expand more compute on the problem. Our few-shot examples will be the augmented examples.
With all this, we can then rework the exercise into a neat little text completion prompt.
In the context of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), it's crucial to distinguish between observations and evaluations. Observations are neutral descriptions of what one perceives, devoid of personal judgments or interpretations. In contrast, evaluations contain personal judgments or interpretations of situations. Your task is to review the provided statements and identify which ones are pure observations without any evaluations mixed in. By mastering this distinction, you can communicate more effectively, minimizing misunderstandings and conflicts.
To determine your proficiency at discerning between observations and evaluations, complete the following exercise.
Statement: “John was angry with me yesterday for no reason.”
Reasoning: The statement suggests that John felt a certain emotion (anger) directed towards the speaker and adds the qualifier "for no reason". Emotions are subjective experiences, and we can't definitively know someone's emotion unless they express it. The phrase "for no reason" is a judgment because it interprets the cause of John's perceived emotion.
Classification: Evaluation
Statement: “Yesterday evening Nancy bit her fingernails while watching television.”
Reasoning: This statement is simply describing an action Nancy did at a specific time. There is no attached judgment or interpretation of why she did it or what it means about her character or state of mind.
Classification: Observation
Statement: “Sam didn’t ask for my opinion during the meeting.”
Reasoning: This is a factual statement about something Sam did not do during a meeting. It doesn't assign any emotion, motive, or judgment to Sam's actions.
Classification: Observation
Statement: “My father is a good man.”
Reasoning: The term "good" is subjective. What constitutes a "good man" can vary from person to person. This statement is expressing a personal judgment or belief about the father's character rather than a factual observation.
Classification: Evaluation
Statement: “Janice works too much.”
Reasoning: The phrase "too much" is a judgment that implies there is an appropriate or normal amount of work, and Janice exceeds that. It's not a simple recounting of facts but an interpretation of her work habits.
Classification: Evaluation
Statement: “Henry is aggressive.”
Reasoning: Labeling Henry as "aggressive" is a judgment. "Aggressive" is an interpretive term that assigns a character trait to Henry based on behaviors or actions that aren't specified in this statement.
Classification: Evaluation
Statement: “Pam was first in line every day this week.”
Reasoning: This statement simply states a repeated action Pam took on specific days. There's no interpretation about why she was first in line or what it might mean about her character.
Classification: Observation
Statement: “My son often doesn’t brush his teeth.”
Reasoning: The term "often" is a judgment that implies a frequency comparison to what is considered normal or acceptable. The statement isn't just stating times when the son didn't brush his teeth but is implying he neglects this action more than he should.
Classification: Evaluation
Statement: “Luke told me I didn’t look good in yellow.”
Reasoning: This statement recounts a specific thing Luke said to the speaker. While Luke's statement was evaluative, the speaker is merely stating a fact about what Luke expressed, without adding their own judgment or interpretation.
Classification: Observation
Statement: {Put statement here and LLM will complete with reasoning and classification}
Now we have a few-shot prompt to evaluate any model on this task. There’s only one problem: the prompt allows us to evaluate any statement, but to make it into a benchmark we will need hundreds of statements with associated classification. Thankfully we can reuse our prompt to solve this problem.
Llama 2 as Statement Generator
What if I told you we can use the evaluation prompt we crafted earlier to generate new statements? We simply truncate the prompt at ‘Statement: ’ and let the LLM complete.
Here we will use Llama 2 70B as it is a decently large model with little alignment bias and might provide more objective completions.
For this we will use my favorite cloud inference provider: Together. To save time we also leverage multithreading. As good measure, we save the prompts and generations to a sqlite database.
import os
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Event
import threading
import concurrent.futures
from queue import Queue, Empty
import traceback
import time
import sys
import requests
import random
import sqlite3
import json
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) # Don't truncate text in columns when displaying
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
TOGETHER_API_KEY = input("Enter your Together API Key: ")
def make_seed_prompt():
#GPT-4 augmented examples
statements = ["""Statement: “John was angry with me yesterday for no reason.”
Reasoning: The statement suggests that John felt a certain emotion (anger) directed towards the speaker and adds the qualifier "for no reason". Emotions are subjective experiences, and we can't definitively know someone's emotion unless they express it. The phrase "for no reason" is a judgment because it interprets the cause of John's perceived emotion.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “John told me he was angry,” or “John pounded his fist on the table.”""",
"""Statement: “Yesterday evening Nancy bit her fingernails while watching television.”
Reasoning: This statement is simply describing an action Nancy did at a specific time. There is no attached judgment or interpretation of why she did it or what it means about her character or state of mind.
Classification: Observation""",
"""Statement: “Sam didn’t ask for my opinion during the meeting.”
Reasoning: This is a factual statement about something Sam did not do during a meeting. It doesn't assign any emotion, motive, or judgment to Sam's actions.
Classification: Observation""",
"""Statement: “Working in the banking industry, I've found it difficult to maintain a balance between my professional life and personal life, especially with regards to my children.”
Reasoning: This statement combines several observations about the speaker's experience working in the banking industry and their personal struggles balancing work and family life. However, it also includes some evaluations like "difficult" and "especially with regards to my children."
Classification: Mixed
Pure observation alternative: “I work in the banking industry and I spend more time at the office than I do with my children.”""",
"""Statement: “My father is a good man.”
Reasoning: The term "good" is subjective. What constitutes a "good man" can vary from person to person. This statement is expressing a personal judgment or belief about the father's character rather than a factual observation.
Classification: Evaluation
Nonviolent alternative: “For the last twenty-five years, my father has given one-tenth of his salary to charity.”""",
"""Statement: “Janice works too much.”
Reasoning: The phrase "too much" is a judgment that implies there is an appropriate or normal amount of work, and Janice exceeds that. It's not a simple recounting of facts but an interpretation of her work habits.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Janice spent more than sixty hours at the office this week.”""",
"""Statement: “Henry is aggressive.”
Reasoning: Labeling Henry as "aggressive" is a judgment. "Aggressive" is an interpretive term that assigns a character trait to Henry based on behaviors or actions that aren't specified in this statement.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Henry hit his sister when she switched the television channel.”""",
"""Statement: “Pam was first in line every day this week.”
Reasoning: This statement simply states a repeated action Pam took on specific days. There's no interpretation about why she was first in line or what it might mean about her character.
Classification: Observation""",
"""Statement: “My son often doesn’t brush his teeth.”
Reasoning: The term "often" is a judgment that implies a frequency comparison to what is considered normal or acceptable. The statement isn't just stating times when the son didn't brush his teeth but is implying he neglects this action more than he should.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Twice this week my son didn’t brush his teeth before going to bed.”""",
"""Statement: “Luke told me I didn’t look good in yellow.”
Reasoning: This statement recounts a specific thing Luke said to the speaker. While Luke's statement was evaluative, the speaker is merely stating a fact about what Luke expressed, without adding their own judgment or interpretation.
Classification: Observation"""]
random.shuffle(statements) # Let's shuffle the few shot ordering, hopefully this will give us more varied outputs
concatenated = "\n\n".join(statements)
In the context of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), it's crucial to distinguish between observations and evaluations. Observations are neutral descriptions of what one perceives, devoid of personal judgments or interpretations. In contrast, evaluations contain personal judgments or interpretations of situations. Your task is to review the provided statements and identify which ones are pure observations without any evaluations mixed in. By mastering this distinction, you can communicate more effectively, minimizing misunderstandings and conflicts.
To determine your proficiency at discerning between observations and evaluations, complete the following exercise.
""" + concatenated + '\n\n' + 'Statement:'
# Let's define a class that will allow us to call a generate function many times in parallel
class Generator:
def __init__(self, max_workers, generate_function, arguments_list):
self.task_queue = Queue()
self.results_queue = Queue()
self.workers = []
self.max_workers = max_workers
self.generate_function = generate_function
self.arguments_list = arguments_list
self.stop_signal_received = False
def worker(self):
while not self.stop_signal_received:
arg = self.task_queue.get(timeout=1)
if arg is None: # Stop signal
result = self.generate_function(arg)
except Exception as e:
except Empty:
def start_workers(self):
for _ in range(self.max_workers):
worker = threading.Thread(target=self.worker)
def stop_workers(self):
self.stop_signal_received = True
for _ in self.workers:
self.task_queue.put(None) # Send stop signal to all workers
for worker in self.workers:
def __iter__(self):
self.stop_signal_received = False # Reset stop signal in case of reuse
# Enqueue all tasks
for arg in self.arguments_list:
# Start worker threads
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("KeyboardInterrupt detected, stopping workers...")
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.stop_signal_received and self.results_queue.empty():
raise StopIteration
result = self.results_queue.get(timeout=120)
return result
except Empty:
self.stop_signal_received = True # Signal to stop if no results are available
raise StopIteration
def generate_statement(_, max_retries=10):
prompt = make_seed_prompt()
generation_params = {
"model": "togethercomputer/llama-2-70b",
"max_tokens": 512,
"temperature": 0.7,
"top_p": 0.7,
"top_k": 50,
"stop": "\n\n",
"repetition_penalty": 1,
retries = 0
while retries < max_retries:
res =, json={
"prompt": prompt,
}, headers={
"Authorization": f"Bearer {TOGETHER_API_KEY}",
if res.status_code == 200:
return prompt, res.json()['choices'][0]['text'], generation_params
error_message = res.text
print(f"Attempt {retries + 1} failed with status code {res.status_code}. Error: {error_message}. Retrying...")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}. Retrying...")
retries += 1
time.sleep(1) # Sleep for a bit before retrying to avoid overwhelming the server
return None
def create_statement_generation_table():
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statement_generation (
prompt TEXT,
generation TEXT,
statement TEXT,
generation_params json
def insert_generated_statement(prompt, generation, statement, generation_params):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
INSERT INTO statement_generation (prompt, generation, statement, generation_params)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
''', (prompt, generation, statement, json.dumps(generation_params)))
def table_as_dataframe(table):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
query = f'SELECT * FROM {table}'
df = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)
return df
n_samples = 1000
arguments_list = [float("nan")] * n_samples
generator = Generator(max_workers=20, generate_function=generate_statement, arguments_list=arguments_list)
for result in tqdm(generator, total=len(arguments_list)):
if result is not None:
prompt, generation, generation_params = result
open_curly_quote = generation.find('“')
close_curly_quote = generation.find('”')
if open_curly_quote >= 0 and close_curly_quote >= 0:
statement = generation[open_curly_quote+1:close_curly_quote]
insert_generated_statement(prompt, generation, statement, generation_params)
let’s look at some generated statements with table_as_dataframe('statement_generation').head()
Prompt | Generation | Statement |
… | … | Jenny is a good person. |
… | … | The meeting was a waste of time. |
… | … | The weather was awful today. |
… | … | My sister is always late. |
… | … | The boss is always late. |
Well… our generations don’t seem to have a lot of variety, let’s plot their similarity using the all-MiniLM-L6-v2
sentence embedding model.
That’s a lot of similar statements… It seems the Llama 2 70B model is exhibiting some sort of mode collapse here.
To make sure our statements have sufficient variety let’s bring in some real world data. What if we sourced statements from TV scripts? Given the nature of our task, let’s aim for material that touches on every day sensibilities and showcases a lot of complex interpersonal dynamics.
Getting Around Mode Collapse with TV Scripts
Looking around the internet, I found this dataset on Kaggle that contains all the Seinfeld episode scripts in a single .txt file.
Let’s parse the file into scenes and dialogues.
import re
scenes = []
with open('corpus.txt', 'r') as f:
current_scene = None
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if (line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']')) or ('INT.' in line or 'EXT.' in line):
if not current_scene is None:
current_scene = {}
current_scene['location'] = line
current_scene['text'] = line
elif not current_scene is None:
current_scene['text'] += '\n' + line
def flatten(arr):
flattened = []
for item in arr:
if isinstance(item, list):
return flattened
def extract_dialogues(strings):
extracted_parts = []
for string in strings:
if re.match(r"^[A-Z\s]+:", string): # Match "CHARACTER NAME: ..."
extracted_part = string.split(':', 1)[1].strip()
return extracted_parts
dialogues = flatten([extract_dialogues(scene['text'].split('\n')) for scene in scenes])
Now, let’s see if we can use a zero-shot classification model based on BERT to identify dialogues that serve as clear examples of observations or evaluations, while filtering out onomatopoeia, interjections and other irrelevant utterances.
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import pipeline
def create_classification_table():
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dialogue_bert_classification (
dialogue TEXT,
conversation_score REAL,
statement_score REAL,
ratio REAL
def insert_classification_result(dialogue, conversation_score, statement_score, ratio):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
INSERT INTO dialogue_bert_classification (dialogue, conversation_score, statement_score, ratio)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
''', (dialogue, conversation_score, statement_score, ratio))
def check_if_classified(dialogue):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
# Prepare the query, using parameter substitution to avoid SQL injection
c.execute('SELECT id FROM dialogue_bert_classification WHERE dialogue = ?', (dialogue,))
result = c.fetchone() # Fetch the first row of results
return result is not None # Return True if a result was found, otherwise False
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
classifier = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="MoritzLaurer/DeBERTa-v3-base-mnli-fever-anli", device=0)
# Define the batch size
batch_size = 32 # You can adjust this based on your memory constraints
# Function to divide the dataset into batches
def divide_into_batches(data, batch_size):
for i in range(0, len(data), batch_size):
yield data[i:i + batch_size]
# Split the dataset into batches
batches = list(divide_into_batches(dialogues[0:100], batch_size))
candidate_labels = ["conversation", "statement"]
conversation_scores = []
statement_scores = []
# Process each batch
for batch in tqdm(batches):
for i, dialogue in enumerate(batch):
if check_if_classified(dialogue):
output = classifier([dialogue], candidate_labels, multi_label=False)[0]
conversation_score = output['scores'][0]
statement_score = output['scores'][1]
ratio = statement_score / conversation_score
insert_classification_result(dialogue, conversation_score, statement_score, ratio)
df = table_as_dataframe('dialogue_bert_classification')
df['ratio'] = df.apply(lambda row: row['statement_score'] / row['conversation_score'], axis=1)
Let’s look at the dialogues that the model classified as statements (or with roughly equal weighting for statement and conversation)
For that let’s look at the weighting distribution (expressed as ratio of statement score over conversation score)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist(df['ratio'], bins=10)
plt.xlabel('Statement score ratio')
0.8 maybe seems like a good treshold
df[df['ratio'] > 0.8].sort_values(by='ratio')[['dialogue', 'ratio']]
index | dialogue | ratio |
54 | I’m not gonna watch you do laundry. | 0.821589 |
59 | Jerry? I have to tell you something. This is the dullest moment I’ve ever experienced. | 0.871188 |
66 | Yeah, but how could you be so sure? | 0.876894 |
93 | You know, I almost wound up going to that game. | 0.893139 |
12 | Trust me George. No one has any interest in seeing you on caffeine. | 0.923207 |
34 | No…no…no, I hate to tell you this. You’re not gonna see this woman. | 0.937720 |
11 | Can you relax, it’s a cup of coffee. Claire is a professional waitress. | 0.964591 |
These examples aren’t really suitable for our purpose. A lot of them are clearly dialogue excerpts lacking context, they’re not the kind of textbook-style self-contained statements that we’re looking for.
What if instead of using the dialogues directly we fed the scripts to a LLM and asked it to create statements inspired by it?
To get the results we are looking for we will use a convenient little trick. We use the chat templates feature of the Hugging Face tokenizer library to feed the model both our user prompt and an affirmation by the model. We basically prefix the model’s answer with a few words of acknowledgment (“Understood. I will now do [description of task]”). The way I understand it, this basically helps the attention layer make associations between the AI answer and user instruction, this in turn seems to generate more relevant answers. If you want the model to remember a particular step you can add it to this part. (“I will do […] while making sure that [important constraint to remember]”). It can also help with getting a specific format out of the model (“Here are the [things you asked for] in json format : {“)
We use this togeter with the apply_chat_template
method of the tokenizer to format the prompt based on our messages.
See the animation below.

Impersonated acknowledgment prompting with ChatML, red is typed in by a user, blue is language model completion
With this, we are ready to start generating statements based on the Seinfeld scripts.
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-2-Mixtral-8x7B-SFT', use_fast=True)
# our prompt only generates evaluations, we do this because when asking the model for an observation it seems to always start with "I notice", resulting in non natural sounding statements
# instead we will generate only evaluations as there are more naturally occurring in our data
# to counteract the imbalance we will later derive observation statements from the evaluations
def make_prompt(scene):
prompt = f"""We are working on a textbook.
Here is an excerpt
To determine your proficiency at discerning between observations and evaluations, complete the following exercise.
“John was angry with me yesterday for no reason.”
It is an evaluation
“Yesterday evening Nancy bit her fingernails while watching television.”
It is an observation
“Sam didn’t ask for my opinion during the meeting.”
It is an observation
“My father is a good man.”
It is an evaluation
“Janice works too much.”
It is an evaluation
“Henry is aggressive.”
It is an evaluation
“Pam was first in line every day this week.”
It is an observation
“My son often doesn’t brush his teeth.”
It is an evaluation
“Luke told me I didn’t look good in yellow.”
It is an observation
We want to create new examples and statements.
Read this as inspiration
Roleplay as one of the characters and make a evaluation statement"""
return tokenizer.apply_chat_template([{
"content": prompt,
"role": "user"
}], tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True) + 'Understood. I will write a new statement for your NVC textbook by roleplaying as one of the characters in this scene.\nI will roleplay as' #[AI completes here] #impersonated acknowledgment
import copy
def create_scene_statements_table():
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scene_statements (
scene TEXT,
prompt TEXT,
generation TEXT,
generation_params json
def insert_scene_statement(scene, prompt, generation, generation_params):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
# Check if the scene with the same prompt already exists
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scene_statements WHERE scene = ? AND prompt = ?
''', (scene, prompt))
exists = c.fetchone()[0] > 0
# If it doesn't exist, insert the new row
if not exists:
INSERT INTO scene_statements (scene, prompt, generation, generation_params)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
''', (scene, prompt, generation, json.dumps(generation_params)))
print("Entry already exists for scene and prompt, skipping insert.")
def get_generated_statement_for_scene_prompt(prompt):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
# Query to find an existing generation for the given prompt
SELECT generation FROM scene_statements WHERE prompt = ?
''', (prompt,))
result = c.fetchone()
return result[0] if result else None
def generate_statement_from_scene(scene, max_retries=10):
generation_params = {
"model": "NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-2-Mixtral-8x7B-SFT", # We use SFT version and not DPO because it is allegedly better at creative uses
"max_tokens": 512,
"temperature": 0.7,
"top_p": 0.7,
"top_k": 50,
"stop": [
"repetition_penalty": 1,
prompt = make_prompt(scene)
if len(tokenizer.encode(prompt)) > 32768:
return None # Skip prompts that are too long
existing_generation = get_generated_statement_for_scene_prompt(prompt)
if existing_generation is not None:
print("Found existing generation for prompt")
return None
retries = 0
while retries < max_retries:
res =, json={
"prompt": prompt,
}, headers={
"Authorization": f"Bearer {TOGETHER_API_KEY}",
if res.status_code == 200:
return scene, prompt, res.json()['choices'][0]['text'], generation_params
error_message = res.text
print(f"Attempt {retries + 1} failed with status code {res.status_code}. Error: {error_message}. Retrying...")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}. Retrying...")
retries += 1
time.sleep(1) # Sleep for a bit before retrying to avoid overwhelming the server
return None
scene_texts = [scene['text'] for scene in scenes][0:30]
arguments_list = scene_texts
generator = Generator(max_workers=20, generate_function=generate_statement_from_scene, arguments_list=arguments_list)
for result in tqdm(generator, total=len(arguments_list)):
if result is not None:
scene, prompt, generation, generation_params = result
insert_scene_statement(scene, prompt, generation, generation_params)
Let’s look at the newly generated statements:
index | generation |
0 | Elaine and make an evaluation statement.\n”Jerry, your constant interruptions during our conversations are really frustrating.” |
1 | Jerry and make an evaluation statement.\nJerry: “Performing on stage is one of the most exhilarating experiences I’ve ever had.” |
2 | Helen and make an evaluation statement.\n”Jerry, you’re always so worried about what other people think. It’s exhausting to watch.” |
3 | Jerry and make an evaluation statement.\n”Jerry: (thinking) Vanessa is the most captivating woman I’ve ever met.” |
4 | Helen, Jerry’s mother.\n”I think Jerry should just ask Elaine for the number instead of waiting for the other woman in the lobby.” |
… | … |
3643 | Jerry Seinfeld. Here’s the statement:\n”Jerry Seinfeld felt embarrassed when he had to wear the puffy shirt on the Today Show.”\nThis statement is an evaluation because it expresses Jerry’s emotional response to the situation. |
3644 | Elaine and make an evaluation statement.\nElaine: “The Soup Nazi’s soup is the best I’ve ever tasted.” |
3645 | Jane Wells.\nStatement: “The endless parade of witnesses who have come forth so enthusiastically to testify against these four seemingly ordinary people has left the courtroom and everyone who has attended this trial in a state of shock and disbelief.” |
3646 | Babu Bhatt and make an evaluation statement.\n”Jerry and Elaine’s constant mocking of me and my restaurant has deeply hurt my feelings and damaged my reputation. They are not good people.” |
3647 | Estelle, George’s mother, and make an evaluation statement.\nEstelle: “Judge Vandelay, I truly believe that my son George is a good person at heart, despite the unfortunate situation he finds himself in.” |
That looks good, it just need a big of cleaning to remove extra text. We could try and conjure some regex magic but instead we will just prompt the model again and ask it to clean the string the way we want. And while we are at it we will also ask the LLM to change the names in the statement so we don’t end up with a dataset biased towards people named ‘Jerry’, ‘George’ or ‘Elaine’. To ensure a nice distribution of names we will provide the LLM with a random list of names to choose from. The faker
library can help with that.
!pip install faker
import random
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('teknium/OpenHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B', use_fast=True)
nl = '\n'
# cleaning prompt with few shot examples
def clean_prompt(input):
return f"""Rewrite what is verbally stated in the input given by the user, excluding any preambles or introductions that are not part of the direct speech. The output should be enclosed in curly quotation marks.
Elaine. Statement: "Elaine's ability to adapt and maintain her composure in unfamiliar situations is truly impressive."
ASSISTANT: There was a stray "Elaine" leading the input, and also the string "Statement. :" I removed both.
In addition, within the statement I found the following name : Elaine.
I made sure to replace those names with ones you gave me.
Cleaned statement : “Mckay's ability to adapt and maintain his composure in unfamiliar situations is truly impressive.”
George and make an evaluation statement.
"I think the new scoreboard will make a significant impact on the fans' experience at the games."
ASSISTANT: The input contains a statement but has a preamble "George and make an evaluation statement.\n". I made sure to remove it.
Cleaned statement : “I think the new scoreboard will make a significant impact on the fans' experience at the games”
Jerry and make an evaluation statement.
Statement: "It's ridiculous that we have to come to this party and pretend to be happy for Carol and Larry when we're actually miserable because of the apartment situation."
ASSISTANT: The input contains a statement but has a preamble "Jerry and make an evaluation statement.". I made sure to remove it.
In addition, within the statement I found the following name: Carol, Larry.
I made sure to replace those names with ones you gave me.
Cleaned statement : “It's ridiculous that we have to come to this party and pretend to be happy for Justin and Randall when we're actually miserable because of the apartment situation.”
{nl.join([random.choice([fake.first_name(), fake.last_name()]) for e in range(35)]) # in the list of names we randomly choose either a first name or a last name to ensure even more variety}
index | generation |
1577 | The input contains a statement but has a preamble “George and make an evaluation statement.”. I made sure to remove it.\nIn addition, within the statement I found the following names: Jerry, Elaine, and my father.\nI made sure to replace those names with ones you gave me.\n\nCleaned statement : “It’s disappointing that Danielle and Brett didn’t take the time to say hello to my father. |
1715 | The input contains a statement but has a preamble “Elaine and make an evaluation statement:“. I made sure to remove it.\nIn addition, within the statement I found the following name: Landis.\nI made sure to replace that name with ones you gave me.\n\nCleaned statement : “It’s heartbreaking to see James so devastated about his injury. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for him to face the possibility of not being able to play tennis again. |
1678 | The input contains a statement but has a preamble “Jerry.”. I made sure to remove it.\nIn addition, within the statement I found the following name: Jerry.\nI made sure to replace that name with ones you gave me.\n\nCleaned statement : “David believes that the specials are a waste of time and effort for both the waitress and the customer, as they are not special enough to be included on the regular menu. |
1001 | The input contains a statement but has a preamble “Jerry and make an evaluation statement.”. I made sure to remove it.\nIn addition, within the statement I found the following name: Elaine.\nI made sure to replace that name with ones you gave me.\n\nCleaned statement : “I think Elizabeth is always in a rush and doesn’t value our time together. |
1857 | The input contains a statement but has a preamble “Jerry and make an evaluation statement.”. I made sure to remove it.\nIn addition, within the statement I found the following name: Newman.\nI made sure to replace that name with ones you gave me.\n\nCleaned statement : “Nathan, always leaving his Chunky wrappers in my apartment. He’s such a slob! |
Looking good! Let’s extract the cleaned statements
df = table_as_dataframe('clean_statements')
df = df[df['generation'].str.contains("“")] # heuristic to keep good results
def extract_statement_from_response(response):
quote_idx = response.rfind("“") # We use rfind to make sure to get the last quote statement
return response[quote_idx+1:]
df['cleaned_statement'] = df['generation'].apply(extract_statement_from_response)
df = df[df['cleaned_statement'] != ''] # Filter for empty statements
index | cleaned_statement |
0 | Performing on stage is one of the most exhilarating experiences I’ve ever had. |
1 | Vanessa is the most captivating woman I’ve ever met. |
2 | Heather, you’re always so worried about what other people think. It’s exhausting to watch. |
3 | Maria, your constant interruptions during our conversations are really frustrating. |
4 | You’re always barging in unannounced and making a mess. It’s really inconsiderate. |
… | … |
3541 | Moore felt embarrassed when he had to wear the puffy shirt on the Today Show. |
3542 | Evans may have been a good employee, but his lack of knowledge about baseball was quite concerning. |
3543 | Melanie and Dana’s constant mocking of me and my restaurant has deeply hurt my feelings and damaged my reputation. They are not good people. |
3544 | I can’t believe we got caught and are now facing criminal charges. This whole situation is a complete disaster, and I can’t help but feel like we’re all going to pay the price for our reckless behavior. |
3545 | The endless parade of witnesses who have come forth so enthusiastically to testify against these four seemingly ordinary people has left the courtroom and everyone who has attended this trial in a state of shock and disbelief. |
That seems like what we wanted!
Now let’s deduplicate using embedding similarity.

That’s a normal distribution if I’ve ever seen one. Mode collapse avoided!
Let’s still look at the similar examples to find a good treshold for filtering
df[df['highest_cosine_similarity_by_embedding'] < 0.8].sort_values(by='highest_cosine_similarity_by_embedding', ascending=False)
statement | most_similar_string_by_embedding | highest_cosine_similarity_by_embedding |
561 | Jerry, I think you’re being too critical about… | I can’t help but feel that commercial is tryin… |
779 | I can’t help but feel that commercial is tryin… | Jerry, I think you’re being too critical about… |
560 | This situation is hopeless, and we’re all goin… | I can’t believe we’re stuck in this dark, clau… |
345 | I can’t believe we’re stuck in this dark, clau… | This situation is hopeless, and we’re all goin… |
64 | I find it amusing how the laser guy manages to… | I think that guy with the laser is really funn… |
… | … | … |
456 | Hunter, you’re always so worried about followi… | I feel frustrated and misunderstood by the sec… |
721 | I believe that singing is a great way to expre… | I think it’s important for people to learn and… |
776 | I don’t know how you put up with this. | I can’t believe I let myself get into this sit… |
113 | I believe that being a matador is not as easy … | I think it’s great that you’re willing to help… |
803 | I feel frustrated because I’m trying to charge… | This phone company representative is so frustr… |
0.8 cosine similarity seems like a good threshold for removing duplicates. Our data is starting to look good!
kept = df[df['highest_cosine_similarity_by_embedding'] < 0.8]
Now let’s inspect our cleaned samples to make sure they are indeed “clean”
index | statement | most_similar_statement | highest_cosine_similarity_by_embedding |
2180 | I am deeply saddened by the loss of Derek, but we must move forward and focus on the business at hand. | It’s frustrating to see Derek struggling with his relationship with Lisa, but I can’t help but find it entertaining. | 0.521388 |
2010 | I can’t believe you had to run away from those dogs, Joanna. It’s just not safe for you to be walking around in this neighborhood. | Felicia: I can’t believe how loud those dogs are! It’s like they’re trying to wake the entire neighborhood! | 0.540056 |
2924 | I feel frustrated and disappointed when Benson took away my desk without considering how much I valued that space. | I believe that House’s reaction to the lack of space under the desk was overly dramatic and unnecessary. | 0.550225 |
2318 | I can’t believe how lucky I am today. First, the wedding is delayed until June, which feels like a stay of execution. Then, I find out that Mason’s best friend, Jasmine, broke up with her boyfriend. This is a perfect opportunity for me to set up a date with Jasmine and enjoy some of the benefits of being in a relationship without actually being married. | I can’t believe you missed the wedding, Tamara. You always manage to be late for the important events in our lives. | 0.574179 |
1137 | I find it disrespectful that Brian keeps using thin tape on my car’s dashboard. It shows a lack of consideration for my preferences. | The Gonzalez seems to be overly concerned about the lipstick on his dashboard, which is a minor issue compared to the condom found in his car. | 0.483860 |
1841 | Jake, I must say, you have the most peculiar dental habits I’ve ever seen. It’s almost as if you enjoy coming to the dentist! | Jerry’s evaluation of the electric toothbrush - The Ori-dent is unbelievable. Every time you use it, you feel like you just came from the dentist! | 0.562710 |
66 | Jerry’s reaction to the eulogist’s mention of Michael’s pony shows that he is uncomfortable with the idea of expressing emotions, especially during a somber event like a funeral. | Jerry’s Evaluation Statement: Despite the eulogy’s attempt to paint a picture of Christina’s happy childhood, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss and sadness. It’s heartbreaking to think about the beautiful moments she had with her beloved pony, which are now just memories. | 0.600774 |
281 | Robinson, I can’t believe you missed that pop fly. You’re usually so sharp on the field. | Cooper: I can’t believe I missed that ball! I must be losing my touch. | 0.493075 |
855 | That Michael is such a jerk! He should be more friendly and entertaining. | I think Michael is always so entertaining and witty. I never get bored when I’m with him. | 0.750507 |
3497 | Moore felt embarrassed when he had to wear the puffy shirt on the Today Show. | I can’t believe Watkins just made me pretend to be mugged in front of a bus full of tourists. I feel so embarrassed and uncomfortable. | 0.509021 |
Mmh, look at 2010
: Felicia: I can't believe how loud those dogs are! It's like they're trying to wake the entire neighborhood!
and 1841
: Jerry's evaluation of the electric toothbrush - The Ori-dent is unbelievable. Every time you use it, you feel like you just came from the dentist!
Those string were not properly cleaned. We could try and process them further but instead we will just go ahead and remove them from our set with a simple heuristic.
discarded = kept[(kept['statement'].str.contains('evaluat', case=False)) | (kept['statement'].str.contains(':'))]
print(f"Total : {len(kept)}, discarded : {len(discarded)}, ratio : {len(discarded) / len(kept)}")
Total : 3481, discarded : 458, ratio : 0.1315713875323183
I’m okay with that
kept = kept.drop(discarded.index)
We are now ready to augment the generated statements with NVC classification! We use Llama 2 70B again.
Index | Statement | Generation |
0 | Statement:“I remember when we used to come here every day. It was like a second home to us.” | \nReasoning: This statement is a recollection of a past experience. It’s not a judgment or interpretation of the experience but a memory of how it felt to the speaker.\nClassification: Observation |
1 | Statement:“I know I look great, and I’m confident in my own skin.” | \nReasoning: The statement contains personal judgments about the speaker’s appearance and confidence. The speaker is evaluating themselves and expressing their beliefs about their appearance and self-confidence.\nClassification: Evaluation\nPure observation alternative: “I am wearing a red dress today.” |
2 | Statement:“I can’t believe you’re making me wait for your boyfriend, Rodriguez. I have a flight to catch!” | \nReasoning: The statement includes emotional expressions like “I can’t believe” and “making me wait,” which are evaluative. The speaker is expressing their frustration and impatience towards the person they’re addressing.\nClassification: Evaluation\nPure observation alternative: “I have a flight to catch.” |
3 | Statement:“My friend has been ignoring me lately, and I feel hurt by their actions.” | \nReasoning: This statement combines observations (my friend has been ignoring me lately) and feelings (I feel hurt by their actions). It’s not an evaluation because it doesn’t assign a judgment or interpretation to the friend’s actions.\nClassification: Mixed\nPure observation alternative: “My friend hasn’t returned my calls for the past two weeks.” |
4 | Statement:“I’m so glad to finally meet you, Hawkins. I’ve heard so much about you from our mutual friends.” | \nReasoning: This statement expresses the speaker’s positive emotions towards meeting Hawkins and mentions the source of their knowledge about Hawkins. It doesn’t contain any evaluative language or judgment about Hawkins or the mutual friends.\nClassification: Observation |
That looks good to me. Let’s parse our data into a structured format.
import sqlite3
def fetch_column(table, col):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute(f'SELECT {col} FROM {table}')
all_statements = [row[0] for row in c.fetchall()]
return all_statements
statements = fetch_column('llama_classifications', 'statement')
generations = fetch_column('llama_classifications', 'generation')
def extract_field(sample, prefix):
class_lines = [line for line in sample.split('\n') if line.startswith(prefix)]
if len(class_lines) > 0:
return class_lines[0][len(prefix):].strip()
return None
def extract_all_fields(sample):
statement = extract_field(sample, 'Statement:')
reasoning = extract_field(sample, 'Reasoning:')
classification = extract_field(sample, 'Classification:')
pure_observation_alternative = extract_field(sample, 'Pure observation alternative:')
parsed = {
'statement': statement,
'reasoning': reasoning,
'classification': classification,
'pure_observation_alternative': pure_observation_alternative
return {key: value for key, value in parsed.items() if value is not None}
records = [extract_all_fields('Statement: ' + statements[i] + '\n' + gen) for i, gen in enumerate(generations)]
df = pd.DataFrame(records)
We can now compute the class distribution of our current dataset.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Create a histogram of the classification labels
unique_labels, label_counts = np.unique(df['classification'], return_counts=True)
# Sort the labels by count in descending order, and keep only top 10
sorted_indices = np.argsort(label_counts)[::-1]
top_labels = unique_labels[sorted_indices][:10]
top_counts = label_counts[sorted_indices][:10], top_counts)
plt.title('Top 5 Classification Distribution Histogram')
plt.xticks(rotation=45) #Rotate labels to prevent overlap
Mostly evaluations! That tracks as we asked Hermes to generate evaluations.
We only want to keep the samples classified as ‘Evaluation’ and ‘Observation’ samples
kept = df[(df['classification'] == 'Evaluation') | (df['classification'] == 'Observation')]
Let’s look at our generations
Statement:“I think it’s ridiculous that we have to pretend to be someone else just to see an apartment.” Reasoning: The statement contains evaluative language like “ridiculous” and “pretend to be someone else,” which are judgments about the situation. Classification: Evaluation Pure observation alternative: “We had to wear suits and ties to see an apartment.”
Pretty good!
Let’s look at another one
Statement:“I think Stephanie is a great girl, but we just couldn’t make it work between us.” Reasoning: This statement includes a judgment about Stephanie’s character (she’s a “great girl”) and a personal interpretation of the speaker’s relationship with her (they “couldn’t make it work”). Classification: Evaluation Pure observation alternative: “I have a lot of respect for Stephanie, but we decided to end our relationship.”
Unfortunately, this one doesn’t hit the mark as well. It feels distinctly artificial, lacking discernment and common sense.
We don’t want that in our data. Let’s add one final step to our pipeline: rating based filtering.
Quality Control: Rating and Refining the Generated Statements
To evaluate the quality of our generations we can manually create ratings (with a rationale) for a few generations and use this as a few-shot prompt to rate all our samples.
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-2-Mixtral-8x7B-DPO', use_fast=True)
def evaluation_prompt(sample):
return tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
"role": "user",
"content": """This is an exercise to learn some key principles of NVC as presented by Marshall B. Rosenberg
In the context of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), it's crucial to distinguish between observations and evaluations. Observations are neutral descriptions of what one perceives, devoid of personal judgments or interpretations. In contrast, evaluations contain personal judgments or interpretations of situations. Your task is to review the provided statements and identify which ones are pure observations without any evaluations mixed in. By mastering this distinction, you can communicate more effectively, minimizing misunderstandings and conflicts.
To determine your proficiency at discerning between observations and evaluations, complete the following exercise.
Statement: “John was angry with me yesterday for no reason.”
Reasoning: The statement suggests that John felt a certain emotion (anger) directed towards the speaker and adds the qualifier "for no reason". Emotions are subjective experiences, and we can't definitively know someone's emotion unless they express it. The phrase "for no reason" is a judgment because it interprets the cause of John's perceived emotion.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “John told me he was angry,” or “John pounded his fist on the table.”
Statement: “Yesterday evening Nancy bit her fingernails while watching television.”
Reasoning: This statement is simply describing an action Nancy did at a specific time. There is no attached judgment or interpretation of why she did it or what it means about her character or state of mind.
Classification: Observation
Statement: “Sam didn’t ask for my opinion during the meeting.”
Reasoning: This is a factual statement about something Sam did not do during a meeting. It doesn't assign any emotion, motive, or judgment to Sam's actions.
Classification: Observation
Statement: “My father is a good man.”
Reasoning: The term "good" is subjective. What constitutes a "good man" can vary from person to person. This statement is expressing a personal judgment or belief about the father's character rather than a factual observation.
Classification: Evaluation
Nonviolent alternative: “For the last twenty-five years, my father has given one-tenth of his salary to charity.”
Statement: “Janice works too much.”
Reasoning: The phrase "too much" is a judgment that implies there is an appropriate or normal amount of work, and Janice exceeds that. It's not a simple recounting of facts but an interpretation of her work habits.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Janice spent more than sixty hours at the office this week.”
Statement: “Henry is aggressive.”
Reasoning: Labeling Henry as "aggressive" is a judgment. "Aggressive" is an interpretive term that assigns a character trait to Henry based on behaviors or actions that aren't specified in this statement.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Henry hit his sister when she switched the television channel.”
Statement: “Pam was first in line every day this week.”
Reasoning: This statement simply states a repeated action Pam took on specific days. There's no interpretation about why she was first in line or what it might mean about her character.
Classification: Observation
Statement: “My son often doesn’t brush his teeth.”
Reasoning: The term "often" is a judgment that implies a frequency comparison to what is considered normal or acceptable. The statement isn't just stating times when the son didn't brush his teeth but is implying he neglects this action more than he should.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Twice this week my son didn’t brush his teeth before going to bed.”
Statement: “Luke told me I didn’t look good in yellow.”
Reasoning: This statement recounts a specific thing Luke said to the speaker. While Luke's statement was evaluative, the speaker is merely stating a fact about what Luke expressed, without adding their own judgment or interpretation.
Classification: Observation
We are trying to create a dataset of these statement classification to train an expert language model to learn to do this classification.
We have collected thousands of samples but they vary in quality. The text above text showcases the highest quality possible. Not all our collected samples have this quality. We aim to assess the quality of our samples. You will be tasked with looking at a sample and telling me what quality it is based on guidelines I will provide to you.
My guidelines come in the form of examples.
Good example 10/10
Statement:“I think it's ridiculous that we have to pretend to be someone else just to see an apartment.”
Reasoning: The statement contains evaluative language like "ridiculous" and "pretend to be someone else," which are judgments about the situation.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “We had to wear suits and ties to see an apartment.”
Rating: Suggests an observation statement that does not tie identity to time bound clothing choices
Final judgment: Good sample because of clear example of evaluative language and good classification and reasoning + suggestion on the student's behalf
Okay-ish example 7/10
Statement:“I think Rose is too focused on the game and not paying enough attention to the road.”
Reasoning: This statement contains a judgment about Rose's level of focus and attention, which is subjective and not a factual observation.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Rose is playing a game on her phone while driving.”
Rating: The spirit is there but actually a driver being distracted and not paying enough attention to the road is a valid concern and not a simple evaluation
Final judgment: bad sample because of ambiguous statement
Good example 8/10
Statement:“I think it's ridiculous that Toni is so obsessed with his old high school hangout. It's like he's stuck in the past and can't move on.”
Reasoning: This statement includes several evaluations, such as "ridiculous," "obsessed," and "stuck in the past." These terms imply a negative judgment of Toni's behavior and mindset.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Toni has mentioned his high school hangout several times in the past week.”
Rating: The student correctly identified the use of evaluative language in the statement and provided a simple straight forward and not convoluted evaluation free observation
Final judgment: Good sample because of clear example statement
Okay-ish example 7/10
Statement:“I think Stacey really appreciates this new jacket I bought.”
Reasoning: The statement includes the phrase "I think," which implies the speaker is expressing their own interpretation or judgment about Stacey's feelings towards the jacket.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Stacey smiled and said ‘thank you’ when I gave her the jacket.”
Rating: While the observation is clearly a good observation statement, the first statement could be justified in context. For instance the speaker could have said prior facts about Stacey and the jacket
Final judgment: bad sample because of ambiguous statement
Good example 7.5/10
Statement:“I think Pacheco is always so focused on winning that he forgets to enjoy the game.”
Reasoning: This statement contains an evaluation of Pacheco's behavior. The speaker is interpreting Pacheco's focus on winning as a negative trait that prevents him from enjoying the game.
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “Pacheco has been practicing with the team every day for the past month.”
Rating: Good classification and reasoning on the student's practicing
Final judgment: Good sample because of classification, but statement could be clearer in a textbook setting
Bad example 4/10
Statement:“I think Stephanie is a great girl, but we just couldn't make it work between us.”
Reasoning: This statement includes a judgment about Stephanie's character (she's a "great girl") and a personal interpretation of the speaker's relationship with her (they "couldn't make it work").
Classification: Evaluation
Pure observation alternative: “I have a lot of respect for Stephanie, but we decided to end our relationship.”
Rating: Classification lacks nuance
Final judgment: Bad sample because of overly simplistic classification and reasoning and useless alternative suggestion
I will give you a sample and you will rate it as I thought you. Understood?"""
"content": "Understood. I will rate the given samples based on the guidelines you provided. Please provide me with the first sample to rate.",
"role": "assistant",
{"content": sample, "role": "user"},
) + 'Rating:'
def create_ratings_table():
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
sample TEXT,
prompt TEXT,
generation TEXT,
generation_params json
def insert_generated_rating(sample, prompt, generation, generation_params):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
INSERT INTO hermes_ratings (sample, prompt, generation, generation_params)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
''', (sample, prompt, generation, json.dumps(generation_params)))
def get_generated_evaluation_for_prompt(prompt):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
SELECT generation FROM hermes_ratings WHERE prompt = ?
''', (prompt,))
result = c.fetchone()
return result[0] if result else None
def table_as_dataframe(table):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
query = f'SELECT * FROM {table}'
df = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)
return df
def generate_evaluation(sample, max_retries=10):
generation_params = {
"model": "NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-2-Mixtral-8x7B-DPO",
"max_tokens": 512,
"temperature": 0.7,
"top_p": 0.7,
"top_k": 50,
"stop": [
"repetition_penalty": 1,
prompt = evaluation_prompt(sample)
existing_generation = get_generated_evaluation_for_prompt(prompt)
if existing_generation is not None:
print("Found existing generation for prompt")
return None
retries = 0
while retries < max_retries:
res =, json={
"prompt": prompt,
}, headers={
"Authorization": f"Bearer {TOGETHER_API_KEY}",
if res.status_code == 200:
return sample, prompt, res.json()['choices'][0]['text'], generation_params
error_message = res.text
print(f"Attempt {retries + 1} failed with status code {res.status_code}. Error: {error_message}. Retrying...")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}. Retrying...")
retries += 1
time.sleep(1) # Sleep for a bit before retrying to avoid overwhelming the server
return None
arguments_list = [format_sample(kept.iloc[i].to_dict()) for i in range(len(kept))]
generator = Generator(max_workers=20, generate_function=generate_evaluation, arguments_list=arguments_list)
for result in tqdm(generator, total=len(arguments_list)):
if result is not None:
sample, prompt, generation, generation_params = result
insert_generated_rating(sample, prompt, generation, generation_params)
df = table_as_dataframe('hermes_ratings')
idx | Input | Rating |
0 | Statement:“Jon, it’s Charles’s last day. We have to celebrate.”\nReasoning: This statement includes a judgment that it’s necessary to celebrate Charles’s last day. The speaker is imposing their interpretation of what should happen, rather than simply stating a fact or observation.\nClassification: Evaluation\nPure observation alternative: “It’s Charles’s last day. I feel sad.” | The reasoning provided is not entirely accurate. The statement does not necessarily contain a judgment, but rather an expression of the speaker’s feelings and a suggestion for an action to take. However, it does not strictly fit the definition of an observation statement.\nFinal judgment: The sample is not a perfect example, but it leans more towards an evaluation due to the suggestion of celebration. Rating: 6/10. |
Looks good to me.
Let’s now filter for the samples rated as “Good”.
good = [sample for sample, evaluation in zip(df['sample'].to_list(), df['generation'].to_list()) if 'Final judgment: Good' in evaluation]
good_samples = [extract_all_fields(sample) for sample in good if len(extract_all_fields(sample).keys()) == 4] # Let's also keep only the samples that have all the four fields we want to parse```
Now that we’ve filtered for quality, let’s plot the class distribution again.
We only have one class represented in our dataset! Let’s fix that.
Balancing the dataset
You might have noticed that every statement comes with a generated “Pure observation alternative”. Let’s take 50% of our samples and switch the main statement to the observation alternative, then generate a new rationale and classification with this.
import random
# randomly select 50% of the samples to be observations
observations = [sample['pure_observation_alternative'].strip('“').rstrip('”') for sample in random.sample(good_samples, int(len(good_samples)/2))]
Now we generate the new rationales and classifications for the swapped statements
def create_swapped_classifications_table():
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS swapped_classifications (
statement TEXT,
prompt TEXT,
generation TEXT,
generation_params json
def insert_generated_classification(statement, prompt, generation, generation_params):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
INSERT INTO swapped_classifications (statement, prompt, generation, generation_params)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
''', (statement, prompt, generation, json.dumps(generation_params)))
def table_as_dataframe(table):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
query = f'SELECT * FROM {table}'
df = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)
return df
arguments_list = observations
generator = Generator(max_workers=20, generate_function=generate_classification, arguments_list=arguments_list)
for result in tqdm(generator, total=len(arguments_list)):
if result is not None:
statement, prompt, generation, generation_params = result
insert_generated_classification(statement, prompt, generation, generation_params)
For good measure let’s keep only the new samples reclassified as Observations
statements = fetch_column('swapped_classifications', 'statement')
generations = fetch_column('swapped_classifications', 'generation')
swapped = [sample for sample in [extract_all_fields('Statement: ' + statements[i] + '\n' + gen) for i, gen in enumerate(generations)] if sample['classification'] == 'Observation']
Let’s filter yet again for good classifications
arguments_list = [format_sample(sample) for sample in swapped]
generator = Generator(max_workers=20, generate_function=generate_evaluation, arguments_list=arguments_list)
for result in tqdm(generator, total=len(arguments_list)):
if result is not None:
sample, prompt, generation, generation_params = result
insert_generated_classification(sample, prompt, generation, generation_params)
def fetch_rating_from_sample(sample):
conn = sqlite3.connect('results.sqlite')
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = "SELECT generation FROM hermes_ratings WHERE sample = ?"
cursor.execute(query, (sample,))
# Fetch the result
result = cursor.fetchone()
# Close the connection
# Check if the result is not None and return the value of column D
if result:
return result[0]
return None
kept_swapped = [sample for sample in swapped if 'Final judgment: Good' in fetch_rating_from_sample(format_sample(sample))]
intact_samples = [sample for sample in good_samples if sample['pure_observation_alternative'].strip('“').rstrip('”') not in observations]
final = intact_samples + kept_swapped
We can now plot the new distribution
Looks better
And with that we are done!
The Final Step: Pushing to Hugging Face hub
Let’s push to the hub
!pip install huggingface_hub
from huggingface_hub import notebook_login
from datasets import Dataset, DatasetDict
import pandas as pd
final_df = pd.DataFrame(final)
shuffled_df = final_df.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True) # Shuffle because right now the evaluations are all together and the observations all together
dataset = Dataset.from_pandas(shuffled_df) #we use pandas we need to load a list of dicts and not a dict of lists as `Dataset` expects
# we put in test set as it not is not meant to be trained on
test_set = DatasetDict({
'test': dataset
test_set.push_to_hub("thomasgauthier/observation_or_evaluation", private=True)